PC: Windows OS: Windows 7 or higher (64-bit OS and 32-bit OS are not supported.) CPU: Quad Core 2.5GHZ or higher Resolution: 1920x1080 (minmum. 1366x768) Monitor: A color monitor capable of displaying 16 bits or more Memory: 8GB or more recommended
We recommend installing an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 or higher graphics board for a high quality, high image quality experience.
It can be worked on a PC with lower performance than the above, but there is a possibility that smooth operation may not be possible, such as a delay in image quality. Operation may become unstable depending on the Internet environment and other factors. If you don't have a graphics board, the program automatically determines the performance of your computer and works with an image quality that is appropriate for the performance.
This application is for PC with Windows OS only. It is not compatible with smartphones or tablets.
Please make sure that you have enough free space (at least 6GB) to install the software.
This application communicates with the server. Depending on your internet environment, it may take some time to download the application.
October 7, 2020. Some descriptions have been updated.