(エヴリシング スターツ ウィズ ア プロトタイプ) -
SPECIALRESULT -OPEN COURSE- 《審査結果-オープンコース-》※LIVE配信にて発表した得点表より、一部修正を行っております。RESULT -JUNIOR COURSE- 《審査結果-ジュニアコース-》GUNPLA BUILDERS WORLD CUP 2018 Finalist
Australia Open Course Champion
Aaron Simons(エーロン サイモンズ)
By combining two Hamma Hamma into one, the SledgeHamma was created. The concept was to create a custom suit which still maintained the look and feel of the original suit. The model is a mix of kit bashing and scratch building, and is painted in a worn and weathered style.
Australia Junior Course Champion
Nu Gundam-Psyco Awakening(ニューガンダム サイコ アウェイクニング)
Ruichen Zhang(ルイチェン チャン)
U.C.0093, during the battle of stopping Axis, Amuro falls into the trap of Neo Zeon. The mobile suit of Neo Zeon are constantly attacking him, and a funnel is shooting towards Nu Gundam. In this desperate moment, Amuro’s newtype power triggers the psycho frame made the armor of Nu Gundam burst off and sidestep the attack. Then Amuro starts his splendor counterattack.
Canada Open Course Champion
Kshatriya Besserung 2.0 "Preemptive Strike"(クシャトリヤ ベッセルング)
Lau Ryan(ロウ ライアン)
I wanted to come up with my own custom version of the least know variant of the Kshatriya, the Kshatriya Besserung. In order to illustrate the transformation of the Besserung becoming the Kshatriya Repaired, I added a full mechanical left arm and extra thrusters. I created a scene where the Kshatriya Besserung was initiating a pre-emptive strike on a Neo Zeon remnant base. To add a human element to the diorama, I placed unsuspecting mechanical workers fighting to escape the blast.
本作品では、ネオ・ジオン残党の基地に奇襲をかけているシーンを描写しました。リアリティを追及するために、予期せぬ奇襲にあわてふためくメカニックたちをジオラマに配置しています。Mainland China
Mainland China Open Course Champion
LI WEI LONG(リ ウイ ロン)
In front of a tree, a girl is praying by using wish knot, hoping her hero return home safely soon.
“彼が無事帰りますように”Mainland China Junior Course Champion
Superfluous(スーパーフルアス )
XU YI RAN(シュ イ ラン)
In the battle between Angel and Devil, Devil is characterized by asymmetric figure while Angel shows a symmetrical Knight image. The points of the work are the pink effect parts and water wave emphasizing the shock of the attack.
France Open Course Champion
Nicolas RATEAU(二コラ ラトー)
U.C.0096, the Red Alert is declared, the enemy base is near. Zee-Zulu are ready to LAUNCH !
The concept of this diorama is a moving amphibious base. At first, I have imagined and created a hangar.
I used wood, plastic boards of various thickness, plastic profiles, parts made of resin using molds made in Elastomer.
In order to add more realism to the scene, I have immerged a part of the launch ramp using transparent resin and various acrylic gels to sculpt the movement of the water.
For the Gunpla models, I have modified 2 Bandai HGUC AMS-129 M kits to avoid the repetition of the same kit.
Please, enjoy look at it as much as I have enjoyed myself to make it.宇宙世紀96年。警報が響く中、近くの敵基地に向けてゼー・ズールが発進!
私と同じくらい、この作品を楽しんでください。Hong Kong SAR
Hong Kong SAR Open Course Champion
Origin of Char(オリジン オブ シャア)
Manson Ng(マンソン ンー)
The main concept is to create something new, and Char is one of my favorite character, so I mixed it into my works and make it more better.
Hong Kong SAR Junior Course Champion
Fishing Genius(フィッシングジーニアス)
Bertie Chang(バッディ ジャン)
Fishing Genius inspired by a Japanese manga series. The hook of RX-79(G) Gundam Ground Type is straight without bait. In fact, it is not for fish, but for the Principality of Zeon’s Earthside forces. Z’Gok heard strange move in water but also realized that there must be full of devilish trick, so he left his team to see RX-79(G) out of water. As a result, a willing victim will take the bait.
Afterward, Daddy told me it was origin from Jiang Ziya’s fishing: if you want it, take the hook.この作品は日本の漫画から着想を得ました。
Indonesia Open Course Champion
The Return of The Red Comet(ザ リターン オブ ザ レッド コメット)
The Return of The Red Comet is a story about Char Aznable, who is lost in the final battle against Amuro in Char's counter attack. Wishing he will be back someday, I build this entry with combining the Nightingale Mobile suit that he rode too. Coming back with a better and more powerful mobile suit to take on the world once again.
今度こそ、その手中に世界を収めるために・・・。Indonesia Junior Course Champion
Build Divers Fantasy(ビルドダイバーズ ファンタジー)
Mark Alexander Ierwanto(マーク アレクサンダー イルワント)
Build Divers Fantasy. Imagine The New Fantasy World of Gunpla Battle Nexus "The Build Diver Fantasy". Two rival forces fighting each other, the upper world forces lead by unicorn pegasus versus the under world forces lead by Kshatriya Naga.
Freedom your imagination to dive into gunpla fantasy world.ビルドダイバーズファンタジー。GBNの新しいフィールド”ビルドダイバーズファンタジー”を舞台に、二つのライバルフォース同士が激しい死闘を繰り広げる。
地上勢力代表であるユニコーンペガサス 対 地下勢力代表のクシャトリヤナーガが雌雄を決する。
Italy Open Course Champion
A Stoner Story(ア ストーナー ストーリー)
Fabio Angelini(ファビオ アンジェリーニ)
Diorama inspired by the Gulf War, the colors of Hamma are taken from the Abrams tank, the GM has a Gulf Camo, plus I wanted to decontextualize a space mecha like the hamma, making it a sort of ancient terrestrial crazy monster.
実在する兵器のデザインにヒントを得て、この作品を制作しました。ハンマ・ハンマは、アメリカ軍の主力戦車である MⅠエイブラハムのカラーリングを参考にし、地上に現れた古の怪物のような姿に仕上げました。ジムには迷彩色の塗装を施しました。
Japan Open Course Champion
GUNDAM EXIA RⅡ-fetal movement-(ガンダムエクシアリペアⅡ -胎動-)
YUSUKE SATO(ユウスケ サトウ)
It is a scene when repairing Exia Repair Ⅱfor the final battle in Gundam 00 2nd season. I have created this work by imagining the repairing process that was not told in the story such as armor material e-carbon getting exposed, repairing duration of the left arm, and process where each particle code is internalized .Based on the setting of a secret base in Lagrange 3, I made one scene called “Setsuna listening to the fetal movement of Exia at a facility under a gravity-free state."
ガンダム00 2ndシーズンで最終決戦に備えエクシアリペアⅡを改修している情景です。装甲素材Eカーボンが露出した状態での修復、復元中の左腕、各粒子コードが内蔵化される過程など、劇中では語られなかった修復過程を想像して詰め込みました。 ラグランジェ3にある秘密基地という設定を元に、小惑星に扮した無重力下の施設でエクシアの胎動を聴く刹那、という1シーンを製作しました。
Japan Junior Course Champion
End of the battle…(エンド オブ ザ バトル・・・)
Toki Maruyama(トキ マルヤマ)
I expressed the One Year War by creating the battle of RX-78-2 Gundam from the first battle to the last shooting.
This year I focused on effects and dynamism to transmit the sounds and realism.
I was able to enjoy it throughout to the end by making Amuro watching over the last shooting and making different kinds of changes to the Gundam.RX-78-2ガンダムの初戦からラストシューティングを創作してガンダムの一年戦争を表現してみました。今年はエフェクトや躍動感にこだわって音や臨場感が伝わる様に頑張りました。ラストシューティングを見守るアムロや戦い続けたガンダムの変化をつけたりと最後まで楽しんで作れました。
Malaysia Open Course Champion
Full Armor Operation(フルアーマー オペレーション)
Raymond Yap Chi Hiung(レイメンド ヤップ チ ヒュアン)
This build was originally intended for GBWC 2012, but due to the complicated build and my aim for perfection, the entire build took me 7 years to complete.
My Full Armor Unicorn Gundam was inspired by Kshatriya's quad-wing binders with NU-Gundam’s Heavy Weapon System. Each wing binder are design to carry large array of weapons, the binders are attached to a heavily modified backpack that features a long range sensor radar, a pair of sub arms and heavy duty booster pod to increase maneuverability.
All ready for Full Armor Operation.この作品は元々、2012年のGBWCに参加する為製作を開始しましたが、複雑な造作と私自身のこだわりから、7年の月日をかけ、2018年に完成を迎えました。
さぁ、出撃の時間だ。Malaysia Junior Course Champion
Muhammad Ilyas bin Mohd Mohayaddin(モハマド ユヤス ビン モハマド モーハヤディン)
ScorpLeo, a custom made Ground-Type use mobile suit for heavy combat capability inspired from the king of the desert, the Scorpion. The mobile suit uses Quad-Limb customed from Leo NPD legs & Gaeon moveable backpack.The tail is design for high manuever firing and precise blade attack .
Philippines Open Course Champion
EVERY THING STARTS WITH A PROTO TYPE(エヴリシング スターツ ウィズ ア プロトタイプ)
JAMES MARC R. QUINSAAT(ジェームズ マーク アル クインサット)
The main concept is to have a Prototype Gundam designed and built by "Gyanko", assisted by G.U.S.bot (General Utility Service bot) that is not weaponized but instead meant to help people. The 1/6 GM Worker E.R.U. (Emergency Response Unit) Prototype - Search and Rescue is born.
GM WORKER: Modified assistance first-aid backpack, crane claw arms; chest mounted lifting crane, leg exoskeleton-frames and jackhammer arm.
GYANKO: Sculpted work-suit, scratch-built detailing and modified remote-assist arms.
G.U.S.bot: Kit-bashed from Gusion kit, detail-up parts.この作品は、兵器としてのガンダムではなく、人々を助けるためのガンダムをギャン子が作ろうとしており、そのプロトタイプを補助ロボットを使いながら、製作を進めている様子を描いたものである。このシーンでは、災害救助を目的とした、1/6 ジム・ワーカー E.R.U. (Emergency Response Unit※災害対応ユニット) 試作機が誕生した様子を描いている。ジム・ワーカーには、救急支援用バックパック、クレーンクローアームズ、脚部外骨格機構とジャックハンマーアームを搭載し、ギャン子は、リモートアシスタントアームを搭載したこだわりのワークスーツに身を包む。G.U.S.botは、グシオンをベースに制作したディテールアップパーツである。
Philippines Junior Course Champion
THE DEVIL TAKES FLIGHT(ザ デビル テイクス フライト)
JAMES MICHAEL C. DOLERA(ジェームズ マイケル シ ドレラ)
My initial idea was to make a diorama of a prototype gundam being deployed on it`s first sortie. The idea behind the gundam was my perspective of a particular character from a heavy metal song theme, the reference found on one of it`s fuselage. The gundam`s name is Azrael, the angel of destruction. Like Azrael, the federation built and deployed the gundam, hoping to finally bring destruction and bring down the Zeon forces. This diorama is meant to represent the sinister side of a nation at war.
Singapore Open Course Champion
Azure Nightingale(アジャー ナイチンゲール)
Liew Shi Wei David(リウ シー ウェイ デイビッド)
After the release of MG 1/100 Deep Striker, I got excited to design my own Zeonic version. The RE/100 1/100 Nightingale was a perfect fit for my concept and I wasted no time working on it. I spent some time developing the brightest blue I could get, so as to fit the name "AZURE". I hope Azure Nightingale is able to put up a good fight along with all the other Champions of the world.
MG 1/100 ディープストライカーの発売後に、自分自身でジオニックバージョンを製作を開始しました。
RE/100 1/100 ナイチンゲールは、この私の作品コンセプトにピッタリのキットでした。この”AZURE”という名にふさわしい鮮烈な”青”をつくりだすことにも時間をかけました。
この作品が他の世界チャンピオンと良い戦いをしてくれることを願っています。Singapore Junior Course Champion
00 Horizon(ダブルオー ホライゾン)
Teh Zi Ye(ティー ズー エー)
In an alternate universe, Setsuna meets the power of 4 GN Drives and bashed the A-Laws singlehandedly. "OREWA GUNDAM", he thought to himself, and proceeded to bash some ELS too.
刹那は、4つのGNドライブを搭載したこの機体で、アローズを単機で撃破し、難敵に見えたELSさえも圧倒し始めたのである。South Korea
South Korea Open Course Champion
The World Tree - Harmony(ザ ワールド ツリー: ハーモニー)
Mun Junggeon(ムン ジュンゴン)
Four seasons illustrated by the "World Tree", born of Unicorn and Banshee, shows the long awaited peace finally came and colored past the icy time of warring and hatred, with harmony blossomed like spring.
ユニコーンとバンシィが生み出した花咲く世界樹が、その平和を象徴している。South Korea Junior Course Champion
Park Giyeol(パク ギヨル)
Sinanju's monsterization in battle.
Taiwan Open Course Champion
The Queen's Garden(ザ クイーンズ ガーデン)
TSENG KUAN HAO(ソウ クァン ハゥ)
The super-large fortress weapon, "The Queen Fumina", is equipped with a rose-shaped sensing device and is flying between flowers like a butterfly.
Taiwan Junior Course Champion
Once again(ワンス アゲイン)
WU CHIH EN(ウ シ エン)
Zaku is carrying out maintenance at an old base to make sure that there are no problems with instruments, and is equipped to head to the final battle!
Thailand Open Course Champion
WE ARE GUNDAM(ウィー アー ガンダム)
Vichayuth Eiam-Ong(ヴィチャユス エイアム-オン)
Gunpla are more than just plastic models to those who build them. It is a vehicle to expand their imagination, allowing the builders to express themselves. This diorama is a little glimpse into the builders' world. No matter what age, we are all artists, and Gunpla are our canvas.
The elements in the room are mostly handcrafted. The two Gunpla are painted in two different styles (once being reflective chrome and the other being a speed type of mobile suit).ガンプラは組み立てるたけのものではありません。想像力を広げ、アーティストとしての自分を表現できるようにする手段です。何歳であろうと私たちはアーティストであり、ガンプラは私たちのキャンバスです。
このジオラマはガンプラビルダーが描く世界を少し垣間見えるものになっております。彼らの部屋にある家具はほとんど手作りで制作しました。2つのガンプラは異なる塗装スタイルで表現しており、メッキ仕上げの機体とスピードタイプの機体になっています。Thailand Junior Course Champion
THE FIRST SHOOTING(ザ ファースト シューティング)
Ashira Naewbanthat(アシラ ネウバンタットゥ)
The first shooting is about Char's first fight. The plan was to use GUN TANK, ZAKU I, AND ZAKU II. Coloring Technique by using color and shadow from the dreaming animation.
U.S.A. Open Course Champion
Worth Fighting For(ワース ファイティング フォー)
Darian Schell(ダリアン シェル)
Accused of war crimes she didn't commit, Sayla Mass is captured and exiled to a hidden waste colony located on the outskirts of Side 6. Sayla attempts her escape and Ace Pilot Amuro Ray dashes in for the final rescue mission in his Gundam RX-78-2.
Diorama was created using only extra pieces from over 150+ kits.無実の罪で捕獲されたセイラは、サイド6の郊外にある廃棄コロニーに追放された。脱走を試みたセイラを、エースパイロットのアムロ・レイがRX-78-2ガンダムで救出に向かう。
Vietnam Open Course Champion
Lê Hùng Quang(リ ホン クアン)
The theme I choose is after the end of the world. The machine is the only “species” that survive the Armageddon of all things. T-Red is a highly advanced AI that human made as a war machine. Its algorithm evolved into an intelligence being. His companion is a spy drone named "Latimeria". Their mission is to survive on a death world, savaging scraps and batteries.
果たして、彼はこの”死の世界”で生き延びることができるのか。Vietnam Junior Course Champion
The White Golem(ザ ホワイト ゴーレム)
Nguyễn Hoàng Long(ヌグヤン ホンー ロン)
On the federation battlefield, there is a story passed from one soldier to another. About a heavy MS who swept all of the Northern federation lines in just one week. It is called the "White Golem", which is also named because of the solid white and blue highlight armor with the gatling gun and the funnel system that shoot down countless enemy MS. For the ZEON, it was a god who guided their war. As for the federation, it is nothing but a white giant.